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Thriving – LifeStyles with Love!
A collection of short stories for inspiration.

Thriving – LifeStyles with Love tags along with a wide variety of people in their every-day life. Perserverence and decency are themes running through each chapter – these people are inspirational.

Each saga is shaped like a photo-essay; providing background information about Thailand, places and even current events – an opportunity to view life through the lives of the locals.

A different way to get a glimpse into the every-day life of a few people in Thailand.


These are the people that grace the pages of Thriving – LifeStyles with Love

Synopsis of people and subjects:
• The Thai House – decades of Love
• Tsche SeeSunt – the hidden artist
• Professor Saran - That which matters most
• An Apple with a Core of Gold
• Crossing the Chao Phraya River into another world
• The Crew on Khlong SaenSaep
• Apirom: Blowin' in the Wind!
• Three Artists (three-generations) in Chiang Rai
• Phu Yai in the Jungle OutPost
• Long days at the school for Khun Kru Aeow
• The Jungle OutPost and the Pearl
• Alchemy - using nature in the Jungle Outpost
• Khun Bear is a Diamond in the Rough!
• The day Khun Pee saved Simon's life!
• The Fairy / Pee SomHarn lives near my home
• Street-vendors: a vital component
• The Sky-Lab driver on the Mekong
• Dearest Pia, "pursue the things you love"
• Bangkok Tree Surgeon
• Khun Chana makes Environment top priority
• Sampran Riverside; the Sampran Model and a balanced society

eBook It have published Thriving and it can be purchased here:

Also available at the following eBookStores: Amazon, Apple, Google, Sony, Ingram & Kobo
Download formats:• ePub: for iPad, Nook, most eBook readers
• Mobi: for Kindle format• PDF: for reading on Mac / PC

All videos are streamed from my youTube-channel, Sheba Suphannahong.
After the video is finished, you can go directly to the listing of all iMovies/youTube
relating to IndoChinaPeninsula ~ below the video screen (left side) click on: Sheba
Or you can return to this page by clicking on arrow (<) top left in your browser.
IF you want a quick-glance at the books, here are two picture-videos,  each  providing a pleasant synopsis (3 minutes each), click on picture for video:

1.  A brief look at each chapter/saga and the people sharing their stories in Thriving – LifeStyles with Love

2.  A quick peek into the the IndoChina series of eBooks about Thailand and the delightful-Thai.

iMovie / videos about some of the people – Thriving – LifeStyles with Love

                              Sampran Riverside; Sampran Model and the Bliss Festival
This unique story started about 60 years ago when Grandpa wanted to save a tree that he found dying on the banks of the Nakhon ChaiSi River  Over the years, the third generation in this family has been active with the local community, encouraging them towards organic farming – and today their Sampran Model is as an example of a community working together for a healthier future.

Sampran BLISS Festival 2018 (7.20 minutes)
  Sampran ~ BLISS Festival 2018
7, 8 & 9 December 2018
Jon Jandai has been a supporting-member of activities
surrounding Sampran Riverside already for many years
~ his mud-house was presented at the first Sampran
BLISS Festival in 2014.
Since that time, Jon Jandai has become renowned
throughout Thailand for his philosophy about living a
simple lifesyle. In this review of the Bliss Festival, clips
from Jon Jandai's talks at TEDx events are highlighted.
Our comfortable, modern lifestyles of consumption
make it necessary for everyone to be more aware of the
need to incorporate care for our environment into
everyday activities. Learning about technology
(example; renewable energy) is important, at the same
time we need to consider the wisdom of Jon Jandai.


Bliss Festival 2015 at Sampran (4.20 minutes)
  Celebrating Sustainable Living
Bliss Festival at Sampran
On 18, 19 & 20 December 2015,
Sampran Riverside
held their festival celebrating the Organic Farmers in the community. This year they engaged their visitors with many thought-provoking exhibitions about the numerous steps needed to move their organic produce to the office-workers in the city. For this to remain sustainable, everyone must open their minds to ecological forms of packaging, transport, etc.. On 12 December the Paris Agreement was signed; a breakthrough accord that will for the first time unite rich and poor nations in combating climate change. President Obama said: “This agreement represents the best chance we have to save the one planet that we’ve got.” More on these subjects in this picture-video (click on picture)
Sampran Riverside (6.50 Minutes)   The Sampran Riverside (formerly Rose Garden) is renowned for the beautiful gardens. In recent years they have joined hands with local farmers, there are now over 50 organic farmers and it is referred to as the Sampran Model. Here is an overview of the years from the Rose Garden to the Sampran Riverside and their current work to create new markets and encourage sustainable living.  Green Music (Chamras Saewataporn) songs: Evening & DewDrops on the Lotus Leaf. Click on picture for a youTube photo essay

    Sampran Riverside
The first Bliss Festival
29 & 30 November 2014

This Bliss Festival was held to highlight the work of the first 50 Organic Farmers participating in the Sampran Model programme.
A More Balanced Society was the overall theme.  This photo-collage album conveys part of the ambiance.  Each page/collage is in jpeg format, you can:
  • Touch the first-photo and the four photo-collages will appear in PDF-format
  • You can then download this document
  • The PDF file is also good for paper-prints.
Bliss Festival 2014 at Sampran (PDF download)



Thriving ~ Lifestyle with Love  ~ the subject never ceases to amaze me, observing these wonderful people is one of the great luxuries that life has to offer.

Khun Ton in 2017 /first steps (4 minutes)

Khun Ton in 2018 /journey to success (2.40 minutes)

Wonderful World (3.30 minutes)

Waltzing on the Water (6.40 minutes)

Khun Ton is only 14 years old.  His mother died a few years ago, his father is a gardener and there are very few resources for the four children in this family. 

Khun Ton is the oldest child and much of the household responsibilities are on his shoulders. 
School remains a first-priority for all of the children, however, Khun Ton must carefully organise his days so that along with school and the household responsibilities,  he can also work at a nearby home-stay to earn extra revenue for his family.

Along with all this, Khun Ton has never hesitated to express that which he feels is his true-self ~ he enjoys traditional Thai-dancing (he has won numerous competitions) ~ and he is gender-fluid.

Life would be easier for Khun Ton, (especially at this age) if he chose to hide his feelings (in-the-closet).  However, that is NOT an option for Khun Ton, he embraces life each day with great courage and Integrity!


These videos shows a couple of Khun Ton’s first ventures into this sphere of activity; beauty-pageant/shows. 
Ton’s transformation is stunning ~ it is crystal-clear that he delights in this persona (as model), his joy is obvious in every part of his body and smile.  Keep in mind, Khun Ton was not professionally trained ~ he simply had the courage to believe in himself (though all the adversity that entailed).  He is still in school; he also works to help support his family, and finances these endeavors on his own. Khun Ton accepts these challenges with courage and integrity.
Winston Churchill said:
With integrity, nothing else counts.
Without integrity, nothing else counts.”

My neighbours across the small khong/canal raise pomelo, bananas and coconuts in their orchard.   This khong/canal  is very close to the Nakhon ChaiSi River and they have a system of canals running through their orchard.  However, the water-level must be watched closely and at times dirt needs to be added to the barrage protecting their land. 

This couple do not have a television and rarely venture further than where their boat can take them.  They are intelligent and open-minded ~ and live in harmony with the nature that surrounds them. 

These two iMovies show some of their activities.

Wonderful World
 follows them, as they pass my home, going to market with the coconuts.

Waltzing on the Water  watches the water-level ~ this is the first-priority in the lives of these farmers, and it is in constant movement. Furthermore, the water-level in this khong/canal is dependant on many factors:

  • the moon
  • the tide in the sea
  • the dams upriver
  • the water-doors on the khlongs
  • local authorities
  • the rainfall, etc. .

This video shows the movement of the water, the water-level can be followed by watching the wall of the barrage (opposite side of khlong).  As the water-level goes up, the farmer needs to transport dirt to build some parts of his barrage even higher.  His fruit trees would die IF the water inside of his orchard were as high as it is in the khlong. 
Once again, this hard work is accomplished with great courage, dignity and respect for nature.

These films are inspirational!


Thailand and Elephants
Breathe it all in ~ Love it all out!

The River Opera (4 minutes)

wash the elephants (14 minutes)

IF you want to understand / feel this quote:
Breathe it all in ~ Love it all out!

Then just spend some time around elephants.
The joy seems to be contagious!

Elephants that are well-cared-forwant to have fun with humans!
IF you are one of those fortunate persons that has an opportunity to spend time with the elephants … well, throw away your fears and you will come away much wiser from the experience.

However, please choose carefully the organization that will coordinate your visit with the Gentle-Giants.  There are many groups in Thailand that provide genuine care for the elephants, and it is with these people (& elephants) that you will have a trust-worthy-experience.  Elephants are huge and care can be expensive ~ responsible-tourism helps to cover costs, as well as entertain the elephants!

The Kanchanaburi Elephant Programme  has a great team that places their gentle-giants as their first-priority ~ and happy elephants assure fun-filled-adventure. They also offer "eco/agro-" with a variety of packages including bareback riding / washing & play with their “gentle-giants”.  This group provides the perfect bridge between the intrepid-traveller and the local community with fun-loving-elephants.

The River Opera was a complete surprise for the ladies ~ they were told to “wash the elephants”!  …and then the Gentle-Giants showed them how to play!  The improvisation turned into another surprise ~  the River Opera.

Of course, it takes a little time to feel secure arount these huge ~ Gentle-Giants!  It starts with LOTS of food and a pleasant bareback ride, etc. etc….  click on the picWash the elephantsto understand…
Breathe it all in ~ Love it all out!


BaiTong felt the tsunami (PDF download)

…additionally, these Gentle-Giants are particularly intelligent (Wikipedia can tell you more).  Since one of the elephants in our River Opera saved a life in the 2004 Tsunami in Phuket, this is a good occasion to underline the depth of their feelings for humans.
BaiTong, a young elephant at that time, had a young girl (Amber from England)  on her back ~ when she felt the tsunami, she ran away, to higher ground, and saved the girl’s life. 

In 2016 this was made into a popular book and theatre-show, and finally (12 years later) Amber was reunited with BaiTong.  At this time BaiTong is living in the Kanchanaburi farm and was one of the gentle giants in our River Opera (nearest camera in pic; wash the elephants)

A PDF file about BaiTong's instincts during the tsunami can be downloaded by clicking on the photo ~ BaiTong felt the tsunami.



Elephants bring an emotional high to most people; just make sure that your elephant ride contributes to the good care of elephants (i.e. a trustworthy elephant sanctuary)

Heartwarming baby elephants


There are numerous sanctuaries for elephants in Thailand. The following are renowned for their care of elephants.  Most of these are non-profit organizations/foundations and donations are welcome. Many also receive visitors, spending a few days working with the elephants is a unique way to make the most of quality-time.

Thai Elephant Home
Bringing together care for the elephants and eco-tourism.
At the end of an exhilarating day (or more) you can leave Thai Elephant Home knowing your elephant is healthier, stronger and happier because of your visit.
… and your elephant will never forget you!


Elephant Nature Park
A rescue and rehabilitation center for elephants, where you can bathe and feed the elephants, plus learn about each animal’s past.

Thai Elephant Conservation Center
This center offers elephant rides as part of their homestay and trekking programs, which put an emphasis on learning how to interact with an elephant as a mahout (the term for a person who rides an elephant), as well as the mahout‘s way of life. The center also has an onsite elephant hospital where previously mistreated elephants are cared for.

Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary
Boon Lott’s Sanctuary doesn’t let you ride the elephants, but through their homestay program you’ll experience living among the rescued and rehabilitated animals.

This is a non-profit organization in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Where tourists and volunteers take care of old, sick, handicapped, rescued elephants.

Elephants bring joy to most everyone around tem. IF you cannot get close to a real elephant, you might want to take a look at these pictures of baby elephants – heartwarming and full of positive spirits.



In 2015 the French Embassy in Bangkok invited 60 artists in Chiang Rai (Thailand) to paint their version of a better world on fiber-glass-figurines of baby-elephants. This exhibition was in Bangkok and you can find a youTube video of the painted figurines (2.30 minutes) if you click on the picture of the painted elephant.

IF you wish to have more information about elephants in Thailand, the artists in Chiang Rai, organizations dedicated to elephants, and time to study the pictures, a PDF file (18 mega) can be downloaded by clicking on the CITES logo.

It is through CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, that the international ban on the sale of ivory has taken hold. The agreement to stop ivory-trade was agreed upon among member states (parties) and therefore, all countries are obliged to follow the laws which were put place.

CITES legislation is becoming more effective each year, INTERPOL also works with CITES to find and prosecute those that trade in illegal commodities. More about this can be found on the book-page; Bangkok FreeStyle

Les petitséléphants de Chiang Rai (2.30 minutes)

PDF download, elephants de Chiang Rai (18 mega)


Khlong SaenSaep (5.50 minutes)


The Crew on the KhlongSaenSaep keep an amazing public boat service running through the heart of Bangkok.

Few places in the world can offer so much is such a short ride and equally special, you leave the boat feeling happy! The team that keeps these boats running enjoy their work – sharing their “LifeStyles with Love”!

This iMovie (youTube) tells part of the story (click on picture).
More in;  Thriving – LifeStyles with Love


Bangkok’s Barista
(2 minutes)
  Bangkok’s Barista
A peek at the artistry of the Barista in Bangkok.
…give it a try and you will quickly realize that the endeavor is a LifeStyle of Love ~ and obviously they are Thriving!
Click on the picture for the story.



All videos are streamed from my youTube-channel, Sheba Suphannahong.
After the video is finished, you can go directly to the listing of ALL iMovies/youTube relating to IndoChinaPeninsula ~ below the video screen(left side) click on: Sheba Suphannahong

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